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dc.contributor.authorBirachi, Jane Nesuwu
dc.contributor.authorOkoth, Pontian Godfrey
dc.contributor.authorLusambili, Kizito Muchanga
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of thisresearch study was to evaluate the challenges and opportunities ofcitizen’sparticipation in promoting sustainable development in Bungoma County, Kenya,since 1950. Citizen’sparticipation as a component of democracy is sacrosanct as it gives a blue print for exercise of people’s rights. A qualitative study approach was adopted that employed historical and descriptive designs. Purposive and quota sampling techniques were used to select respondents. Primary data was collected using archival sources, oral interviews, focus group discussions and qualitative questionnaires. Secondary data was gathered from books, journals, internet sources and newspapers. Content analysis approach, whileusing the interpretivist philosophy,was applied to analysedata that was presented thematically,under themes and sub-themes. Corroboration of multiple sources ensuresvalidity. Findings revealed some weaknesses from the organizational structures, political interference, ineptness of civic empowerment and citizen apathy. However, opportunities included civic education awareness, civil society organizations and constitutional provisions for citizen participation. The research article concludesthat people’s participation in sustainable development is achievedwhen we engageappropriateparticipatory organizational structures. The research articleproposesthat the development agencies shouldestablish proper participatory structures that embrace inclusivity of diverse social groups and capacity building through civic education.en_US
dc.publisherJumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectCitizen’s, Participation, Promoting, Sustainable, Development, Critical, Evaluation, Challenges, Opportunities,en_US
dc.titleCitizen’s Participation in Promoting Sustainable Development A Critical Evaluation of Challenges and Opportunities With reference to Bungoma County, Kenyaen_US

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