Examinations have been widely used as a tool for curriculum evaluation not only in Kenya but across the globe. Examinations are used for promotion of learners, promotion of teachers and placement of learners in colleges and universities. Use of examinations as an indicator of performance and promotion leads to competition among schools. Stiff competition has led to unorthodox means of passing examinations such as cheating. The purpose of the study was to establish effects of examinations on curriculum implementation in secondary schools and come up with alternative approaches to curriculum implementation. Descriptive survey research design and inferential statistics were applied. Sampling was done by use of Saturated, Stratified, and simple random sampling. The study was conducted in Kakamega County. Study population include principals, students, and teachers from 408 public secondary schools and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (QASOs) from Kakamega County. Total sample of the study was 2053 which include: 40 principal,1800 students, 200 teachers and 13 QASOs. Data collection involved administration of questionnaires to QASOs, students, teachers, and interview guide for principals. A researcher developed questionnaire instruments for teachers, students and QASOs with reliability index of 0.71 based on Cronbach alpha reliability method. Analysis of variance was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. Quantitative data was analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was coded into sub- themes. The analyzed data was organized in tables and figures. The main findings of the study were as follows; Most schools administered more than two examinations per term, frequent examinations led to selective teaching as teachers only taught examined subjects and topics that were frequently set in KCSE. Besides students especially candidates did not participate in co- curricular activities as they spent most of the preparing for examinations. Teacher centered pedagogy was the main method of instructions during teaching and learning. School examination policy did not adhere to MOE policy. The following are recommendations of the study: There should be review of the government examination policy to ensure adherence by all secondary school. There should be a comprehensive assessment system which ensures diagnostic, formative, and summative evaluation as well as integration of formal and informal curriculum in evaluation. Attitude of early syllabus coverage is unprofessional; therefore, curriculum content should be implemented within the defined time frame by KICD so that students can learn, and curriculum objectives to be realized.
- School of Education [42]