dc.description.abstract | Good Nutrition optimizes benefits of ART and increases treatment adherence, both
prolongs lives of PLHIV (NASCOP, 2014), without proper care and management it
exposes them to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Key objective; To determine the
effect of food-based nutrition intervention on the management of NCDs among PLHIV in
Busia. Design was experimental using randomized control trial approach. Control group-
30 subjects fed on Plumpy ‘nut while treatment group – 30 subjects fed on Power
Porridge (PROLCARMIV), for 60 days. Subjects purposively selected from the
Comprehensive Care Clinic (CCC) in Busia County referral hospital- Kenya, further
randomly selected using simple random sampling, assigned equally to each group. Data
collected using a structured questionnaire analyzed using Social Package for Statistical
Sciences version 26. Prevalence of NCDS; 75.5% hypertension; 15.6% Diabetes and
8.9% heart disease; post-intervention BMI for intervention group increased; Laboratory
analyses; Hb post–intervention results; mean levels were higher in intervention group
(M=13.62, SD=2.69) p-value = 0.487 compared to control group (12.69, SD=1.24), p
value= 0.471. RBS were higher in control group (5.96, SD=1.70), p value= <0.001,
intervention group (M=5.79, SD=1.02), p-value = <0.001. Post-intervention liver
function test; TB, AST, and ALT showed higher SD indicating variability. Lipid profile;
showed TC mean (4.39 (0.95) for control group; a mean 3.78(0.94) intervention group:
p=0.017; HDL -control group mean 1.58(0.57): 1.14 (0.53) intervention group p=0.036:
TG - control group mean 1.50 (0.50): intervention group p= 0.017: mean 1.14: (0.46):
LDL mean 2.26 (0.66) control group: 1.43 (0.42): intervention group p= 0.041: all
exhibited significant decreases. Kidney function tests; no significant differences between
the two groups. Conclusion; Compliance for PROLCARMIV; 82.5%, attracting uptake of
CCC services. PROLCARMIV can manage NCDs among PLHIV, answering the
alternative hypothesis, this would inform Policy. | en_US |