Affordable and sustainable energy system is a critical ingredient that supports life. The overall objective of this study was to model electrical energy generation from open non equilibrium steady state thermodynamic systems. The specific objectives were to build two physical open thermodynamic Monopole Energizer Machines (MEM) and determine their Electrical Characteristics, to undertake comparative analysis of electrical characteristics of ceramic and neodymium magnet-based MEMs, to develop a predictive mathematical model for open non equilibrium steady state thermodynamic systems under study, and to perform steady state analysis of the systems. The MEM has been observed to produce electrical power without a cogent explanation of its apparent violation of classical electrical machine theory. It has also been observed that the MEM exhibits characteristics typical to open non equilibrium steady state thermodynamic systems (NESS). The model developed was anchored on system theory which draws similarities from those of heat pumps, photo electric systems which are all open NESS systems. The model was also partly anchored on switched reluctance machine theory. The switched reluctance machine has some physical and electrical similarities to the MEM. Two physical models were built, one using ceramic magnets and the other using neodymium magnets. The model using ceramic magnets was a replication of the original MEM, and the other was a reconstruction of the original model but using neodymium magnets. Seven sets of experiments were undertaken for each physical model, with different levels of magnetic loading. Data from the models were then used to analytically determine electrical characteristics of the machines under study. The study showed that contrary to known coefficients of performance for most energy generating machines, which range from 33% to 40%, the coefficients of performance of the two sets of machines under study ranged from 96% to 170% depending on the design and level of magnetic loading. A validation of the model was carried out using regression analysis and a good fit was observed. A steady state analysis of the system confirmed the observed stable operation exhibited by the physical models. The study further established that the power output profile for Neodymium Magnet based MEM was superior to that of Ceramic Magnet based MEM. The findings from this study provides insight into an innovate method of power generation that could provide a significant improvement in efficacy of energy transfer.
- School of Education [42]