Gold Collection: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 969
Incidence and Risk Factors of Surgical Site Infections: Insights from Kakamega County General Hospital in Kenya
(African Journal of Empirical Research, 2025-02-25)Surgical site infections (SSIs) are common complications associated with increased morbidity, hospital stay and mortality amongst patients’ post-surgery. This poses a huge economic burden and reduced quality of life in low ... -
Motivational Levies and Academic Achievement in Public Day Primary Schools in Nyamira County, Kenya
(African Journal of Empirical Research, 2025-02-04)The study dealt with the effect of motivational levies on academic achievement in public day primary schools in Nyamira County. The study explored teacher motivation levies, academic tour levies and pupil motivation levies. ... -
Urban Flooding in the Cities of Kisumu, Mombasa, and Nairobi, Kenya: Causes, Vulnerability Factors, and Management
(African Journal of Empirical Research, 2025-02-07)This research investigates the complex urban flooding dynamics of Kisumu together with Mombasa and Nairobi cities in Kenya. Since both human-caused urban growth and climate change effects simultaneously produce more ... -
Impacts of Rainfall Variability on Maize Production in Tongaren Sub- County, Bungoma County, Kenya
(African Journal of Empirical Research, 2025-02-04)Maize crop farming in rain fed regions of the world is dependent on rainfall amount and distribution. In Kenya, most smallholder maize farmers depend on rainfall to grow the crop. The objective of this study was to evaluate ... -
Biosecurity protocols and fish health management in Kenyan fish hatcheries: a key to sustainable production of quality fish seed
(Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS), 2024-07-24)Aquaculture, or aquafarming, is increasingly becoming a vital farming activity globally to meet exponentially high demand for fish and reduce pressure on global capture fisheries. In Kenya, aquaculture growth has led to ... -
Impact of citizen participation in catalysing sustainable development in Bungoma County, 1950-2022
(African Social Science and Humanities Journal (ASSHJ), 2025-01-14)Citizen participation in development has existed since the colonial period with the establishment of community development schemes that encouraged African participation in colonial economic development. After independence ... -
An Interplay Between Mass Media and Homeschooling
(Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 2025-01-01)Homeschooling and mass media are inseparable entities. The significance of mass media in acceleration of homeschooling is titanic. Mass media provides an avenue for interaction among the homeschoolers and their facilitators ... -
The Effect of Supply Chain Integration on the Performance of Procurement in the County Governments of Western Region, Kenya
(African Journal of Empirical Research, 2025-02-20)The study sought to assess the effect of supply chain integration (SCI) on the performance of the procurement functions in the county governments of Western Region, Kenya. The study is anchored on systems theory as the ... -
Gender Dynamics in Selected Babukusu Popular Songs in Western Kenya
(East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 2025-02-18)This study explored how selected Babukusu popular songs encoded gender dynamics and how they shaped different forms of identity. The study employed the qualitative approach, informed by discourse and stylistic analysis. ... -
Ovicidal Activity of 2-Hydroxy-4-Methoxybenzaldehyde, Derivatives and Structural Analogues on Anopheles gambiae Eggs
(Journal of Chemistry, 2025-02-20)Effective remedies for disrupting An. gambiae metamorphosis at the egg stage are crucial in suppression of the malaria vector populations that result in the reduction of disease burden. 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (the ... -
An Examination of Nature of Peace-Building Strategies Employed Among the Border Communities of Kisumu and Nandi Counties, Kenya
(African Journal of Empirical Research, 2025-01-14)The study examined peace building strategies employed among the border communities of Kisumu and Nandi Counties, Kenya. The nature of peace building was analyzed through investigating the types of the peace building ... -
Psycho-Linguistic Communication Strategies Employed by Second-Hand Clothing Vendors to Influence Consumer Buying Behaviour at Gikomba Market, Kenya
(Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies, 2025-01-31)Language plays a critical role in communication, shaping and being shaped by cognitive processes and contextual meaning. This study explores the psycho-linguistic communication strategies (PLCS) used by second-hand clothing ... -
Unveiling the roles, mechanisms and prospects of soil microbial communities in sustainable agriculture
(Discover Soil, 2025-02-17)Soil hosts diverse microbial communities including bacteria, fungi, archaea, protozoans and nematodes among others, which are fundamental to sustainable agriculture and drive essential processes that underpin soil fertility, ... -
Exploring Lived Experiences of Kenyan Para-Athletes: Turning Barriers into Possibilities
(Journal of Sport for Development, 2025-01-25)Background: In developing countries, participation and success in elite para-sports are relatively low primarily because of the numerous barriers para-athletes face. The objective of this study, which focused on elite ... -
Application of low-cost hydrokinetic technology for accelerating electricity access to rural areas in developing economies: field experiment in Kenya
(Environmental Research and Communications, 2025-01-25)This article presents the design, construction and field test of an experimental prototype of a low-cost hydrokinetic turbine technology made of local materials and e-waste components. The aim of this study is to investigate ... -
Maternal Mortality Determinants in Rural Kenya: An Audit of Three Hospitals
(Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 2025-01-15)Background: Global health agencies advocate that no mother should die while giving life, more so from preventable causes. However, there are persistently high maternal mortalities in various regions with a current global ... -
Mapping the landscape of optometric education in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2025-02-02)Clinical relevance Advancements in optometric education are essential for addressing the global burden of visual impairment by ensuring a well-trained workforce capable of delivering quality eye care services. Background The ... -
Digitalization of health care in low- and middle-income countries
(Bull World Health Organ ., 2025-02-01)The rising incidence of noncommunicable diseases, combined with the costs of mitigating climate change, sovereign debt and regional conflicts, is undermining global health security and threatening progress towards achieving ... -
School-Level Factors and Girls’ Participation Relationship between Schools’ Learning Resources and Girls Participation
(Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences, 2025-02-01)The research article examines the relationship between school learning resources and girls’ participation in public primary schools in Kuria West sub-county, Kenya. A correlational research design was used because it ... -
Assessing the application of adapted theory of planned behaviour in predicting postpartum family planning intentions in a pragmatic randomized control trial in Western Kenya
(PLOS ONE, 2025-02-05)Introduction In developing countries like Kenya, addressing the high population growth rate necessitates a focus on early Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP) use. Despite the critical need for PPFP, few researchers explore ...