Learner readiness enhances academic achievement and predicts children’s performance in the near future. Children who are ready are less likely to experience behavioral emotional problems score higher in reading, mathematics and fine motor skills than those who are not ready. Even though the government of Kenya is advocating for and ensuring all children participate in the pre-primary education through provision of financial and human resources, teachers are still struggling with learners from pre-schoolwho are not well prepared for grade one. This variation may be attributed to pre-schoolcharacteristics such as teacher characteristics, teaching and learning resources, nutrition support programmesamong others no studies have attempted to investigate the causes in variation in learner readinessas there is no documentary evidence existingin Kimilili Sub-Countyexplaining the causesin learner readiness .It is therefore on this basis that this study seek to investigate the effect of pre-schoolcharacteristics on learning readiness among 5-6 years old in public pre-schoolsin Kimilili Sub –County Bungoma County Kenya. Specifically, the study seeks to establish the effect of: Teacher characteristics; teaching and learning resources; and nutrition programmeson learning readiness among 5-6 years old in public pre-schoolsin Kimilili Sub –County Bungoma County Kenya. This study was guided by the Education Production Function Theory (EPFT) postulated by Coleman. The study adopteda survey research design, and targeted3211 pre-schoolersand 55 pre-schoolhead teachers in public pre-schoolsin Kimilili Sub –County Bungoma County Kenya. A sample of 356 pre-schoolersand 18 pre-schoolhead teachers were drawn from the population using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. A pre-schoollearners check listand pre-schoolhead teacher questionnaire and document analysis were used to generate data for the study. The questionnaire was validated using face and content validity during piloting and reliability were determined using split half technique at r= 0.7. Data was analyzed descriptively using means and percentages; and inferentially using multiple linear regression analysis by aid of SPSS version 21. Inferences were made at 0.05 level of significance on a two-tailed test. The regression analysis results indicate that teacher characteristics, teaching and learning resources and nutrition support programmesare significant in explaining variations in learning readiness among pre-schoolers. The study recommends thatthe Ministry of Education, County and Sub-County Education office and public pre-schoolsto ensurethat pre-school teachers managing learners are qualified and attend more in service training. In addition pre-schoolsshould be well equipped with learning resources and have well managed nutrition support programmes.
- School of Education [67]