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dc.contributor.authorBirachi, Jane Nesuwu-
dc.description.abstractCitizen participation in development has existed since the colonial period with the establishment of community development schemes that encouraged African participation in colonial economic development. After independence in 1963, citizen engagement in development was encouraged through development programs and policies that aimed at achieving sustainable development. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of citizen participation in catalyzing sustainable development in Bungoma County, 1950-2022. The study adopted a qualitative approach which employed a historical research design based on participatory development theory. The study used quota and purposive sampling techniques to select one hundred and sixty respondents. Primary data was collected through archival sources, oral interviews, focus group discussions, and qualitative questionnaires. Secondary data was collected from books, journals, newspapers, and selected websites. Data was analyzed and presented thematically. Study findings revealed socio-economic transformation and psychological satisfaction as results of citizen participation in promoting sustainable development. Improved agricultural activities, improved transport systems, creation of employment, and economic empowerment led to improved standards of living. Improved health and education infrastructures were achieved as well as promoting a sense of ownership. The study concluded that citizen engagement in sustainable development led to social, economic, and environmental transformation of the society.en_US
dc.publisherAfrican Social Science and Humanities Journal (ASSHJ)en_US
dc.subjectImpact, citizen participation, catalysing, sustainable, developmenten_US
dc.titleImpact of citizen participation in catalysing sustainable development in Bungoma County, 1950-2022en_US
Appears in Collections:Gold Collection

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