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Title: Quality Monitoring in Secondary Education in Kenya: A Comparative Analysis of Public Schools in Kakamega East and Kakamega Central Sub-Counties of Kakamega County.
Authors: Lumosi, Bernard Amwayi
Mukonyi, Philip Wanjala
Keywords: Quality, Monitoring, Secondary, Education, A Comparative, Analysis, Public, Schools, Kakamega East, Kakamega Central, Sub-Counties
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Publisher: International Journal of Education and Research
Abstract: According to UNESCO, quality education is among the six EFA goals that may not be attained by 2015. Performance of public secondary schools in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination (KCSE) in Kakamega East (4.83, C minus) and Central (5.26, C minus) was average between 2009-2013. This study investigated the factors that affected performance, the quality monitoring mechanisms in use and mitigation measures for public secondary schools in the two Sub-counties. The study population was 12 principals from Kakamega East, 10 principals from Kakamega Central and two Sub-County Quality Assurance Officers. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. There was no significant difference between the two subcounties on document review methods. The frequency of school visits by QASO were irregular as their work was constrained by poor road network, shortage of personnel and financial challenges. This study therefore recommended that principals enhance alternative quality management avenues such as teacher appraisal, use of internal quality assurance officers by capacity building on requisite knowledge and skills.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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