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Authors: Siganga, Collins Akhonya
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: MMUST
Abstract: Population growth in urban areas has led to increased occupancy on small pieces of land, where occupants develop groundwater sources, onsite sanitation systems, composting sites and gardens on small pieces of land. This has resulted into entry of pollutants into aquifers because of reduced distance between the pollutants and groundwater sources. Contrary to the traditional perception that ground water is safe and dependable for consumption, groundwater is susceptible to anthropogenically and naturally caused pollution. Accumulation of pollutants in groundwater generates a storage for pathogens which leads to new and emerging infectious diseases. The overall objective for the study was to assess groundwater quality in Urban and peri-urban zone of Webuye, Bungoma County Kenya. The specific objectives were; to determine pollution factors and their risks on groundwater quality in Webuye, to determine chemical, physical, and biological water quality parameters of ground water sources in Webuye, to develop and map water quality index of Urban and urban parts of Webuye and to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution in Webuye. The data that was used in this research was rainfall, water quality analysis results, upstream condition of water ground water sources, topographical data, land use images, well construction and operational status, waste generation and disposal, water depth and distance of water source from onsite sanitation facility. Slovins’s formulae was used to come up with an appropriate sample size of 74 shallow wells and 8 springs. All samples were randomly selected for the study. The analysis was done using DRASTIC indexing method to come up with risk models, Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) analysis was also conducted to assess the sanitation levels, ArcGIS mapping and interpolation methods for development of risk maps and prediction of parameter behaviors and excel for data analysis. The study employed correlational and analytical research design. The results revealed most residents live on small portions of land where they put up onsite sanitation facilities and groundwater points. It was also found that in 48% cases show that there was less than 7 m distance between the sanitation facilities and groundwater sources. The study also reveals that 36% of waste generated is safely managed while 64% is not. The water quality results show that Nitrates, pH, TDS and Electrical Conductivity were high concentrations beyond maximum permissible levels. The study further reveals that water quality index of Webuye urban and peri-urban areas is as follows: Excellent 1%, Good 3%, Poor 11%, Very Poor 16% and water that is Unfit for Consumption 69%. This implies that its only 4% of ground water sources in Webuye that is safe foe consumption. The result of this study is key for policy makers to develop strategies for groundwater pollution management through a practical comprehension of water pollution processes rather than concentrating on pollution sources only. Likewise, it provides information on innovative ways of engaging stakeholders, politicians, sanitation experts and community leaders in an informed dialogue about regulation of sanitation service chain.
Appears in Collections:School of Engineering and Built Environment

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