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Authors: Obwogi, Cliff Ooga
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: MMUST
Abstract: Terrorism, often, has been used as a weapon by non-state actors like terrorist organizations, liberation movements and other clandestine organizations fighting for recognition and intending to advance different agenda. The aim of terrorism is to create an audience to pressurize governments into ceding to terrorist demands because of fear. Acts of terrorism by their nature easily endear themselves to extensive media coverage. In Mandera County, terrorist activities have become so prevalent through the acts of terrorism witnessed over the years and the intensity of their reporting makes it a unique phenomenon that needs an academic interrogation. This makes the relationship between terrorism and the media reportage in Mandera County very central to assess in relation to anti-terrorism discourse and strategies. Media reportage is the independent variable and terrorist activities is the dependent variable. This study sought to assess media influence on terrorist activities in Mandera County. The specific objectives of the study are to examine the media reportage on terrorism in Mandera County, to assess the effects of media reportage on terrorist activities in Mandera County and to assess the challenges the media faces in reportage of terrorist activities in Mandera County. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study was underpinned by two theories namely: the agenda setting theory and the Liberalism theory. The Study population constituted: Mandera County Officials, Local/International Media in Mandera County, FBOs, CBOs, NGOs, KDF, NPS, NIS personnel and Local Population/Al-Shabaab returnees/Chiefs/Clan Elders. The study used purposive sampling technique in acquiring data from various institutions/departments where the researcher chose specific people within the population to use for this particular study. The study used mix methods whereby both primary and secondary data were collected. The research instrument for primary data collection in this study was questionnaires. Secondary data was collected through FGDs and key informant interviews. Once data was collected, it was analyzed and presented in the form of graphs, charts and descriptive narratives. A pilot study was conducted to test the validity of research instruments. The study also made use of Supervisors and MMUST Research experts to ensure validity of the research instruments. The findings of the study endeavor to provide new knowledge while adding to the existing body of knowledge and inform academia. The findings also help to inform the drafting of new policies and guidelines and the re-drafting of existing policies regarding to the broadcast of terrorism activities. The study found out that terrorism reports were aired mostly in radio stations which were the most preferred media category. These reports were aired in form of news, editorial analyses, interviews, expert commentaries and listener engagement calls. The source of information for the media being journalists’ own observation and judgment led to media reportage portraying terrorists as heroes and being strong. It was also established that most of the media broadcasts relating to terrorism journalism were war or violence oriented and to a greater extent, media content opposed efforts aimed at fighting terrorism. The resultant effects included the media propelling the terrorists’ agenda through their content and delivery. The study finally noted that there were challenges faced by the media in their reportage of terrorism. These challenges limited their ability and capacity to objectively and accurately report on terrorism. The study’s overall conclusion is that, the media supply oxygen to terrorists through the sustained extensive and intensive coverage that they accord them hence the terrorists’ motivation to plan and execute more terrorist activities.
Description: PHD THESIS
Appears in Collections:School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance

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