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Title: Enhancing Completion Rates through Structural and Operational Changes in the Management of Postgraduate Programmes in Kenya’s Public Universities
Authors: Waswa, Fuchaka
Abenga, Elizabeth
Indede, Florence
Keywords: Enhancing, Completion, Rates, Structural , Operational,Changes , Management , Postgraduate, Programmes Public, Universities
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2020
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Potsdam
Abstract: During the National Multiplication Training in Kenya in 2018, participants raised concerns about attrition, completion rates and quality of PhD programmes in Kenya’s public universities. This led the authors of this article to further examine the question of PhD completion rates. Available data underlined that PhD students across various disciplines in Kenya’s public universities take unnecessarily long to complete their studies due to a myriad of factors that are related to their supervisors, university guidelines for post-graduate studies, or the students themselves. This article examines inertia areas along the PhD training pathway at three public universities in Kenya and provides suggestions on structural and operational changes universities must make to shorten completion periods.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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