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Title: Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Smallholder Dairy Cattle Production in Bungoma, Kenya
Authors: Nalianya, Gregory Wafula
Wakhungu, Jacob W.
Nyandiko, Nicodemus O.
Keywords: Impacts, Climate, Change, Variability, Smallholder, Dairy, Cattle,Production
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Publisher: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications
Abstract: Climate change is becoming one of the most serious challenges to Kenyas achievement of its development goals as described under Vision 2030. Kenya is already highly susceptible to climate-related hazards, and in many areas, extreme events and variability of weather are now the norm; rainfall is irregular and unpredictable; while droughts have become more frequent during the long rainy season and severe floods during the short rains. Dairy farming is highly sensitive to climate change and variability, and rain-fed agriculture systems, in particular, are especially susceptible to unpredictable weather.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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