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dc.contributor.authorNawoton, Moses Edapal-
dc.description.abstractCoordination of Cash Transfer Programmes(CTP) is very important in achieving better humanitarian assistance in times of disasters and emergenciesbecause it saves resources, avoids conflicts, evades duplications and gaps, minimises thedifference between programs as well as thwartsinflation to local markets.Theuse of CTPto provide humanitarian assistance so that people access goods and services they need before, during and after crisis has been gaining momentum particularly since 2010. However, absence of a structured coordination framework of CTPhas created lapses in the initiative thereby resulting into duplication of interventions, resource gaps, fragmentation and mismanagement of resources in quality service delivery. This study is an empirical attempt to fill this lacuna with regardtostructured cash transfer focusing on Cash coordination within Turkana County which in spite of Cash Transfer Programme has historically remained the poorest county in Kenya characterized by high vulnerability to all forms of disasters besides dependency on in-kind assistance. The overall objective of the study was to examine influence of cash coordination on efficacy of cash transfer programming in Turkana County. The study was guided by three specific objectives that seek to: determinestrategies that support institutionalization of cash and voucher initiatives in humanitarian actions in Turkana County; examine opportunities and challenges available for future cash transfer coordination to vulnerable groups within Turkana Countyand evaluate mechanisms employed in coordination of CTP in Turkana County. The study adopted evaluation research design. Sampling strategy incorporated four techniques: multistage, proportionate, purposive and simple random sampling methods. A sample size of 382was used in this study. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviewguides, FGD, key informant interviews (KII)and direct observation(DO). The data collected was coded and analysed by both descriptive and qualitative methods using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)version 23. The study found out that strategies for institutionalizing CTPincluded establishment and use of CTP legal and regulatory framework,advocacy and lobbying for the use CTP by CaLP, role of Cash Working Groupsin CT coordinationand research and advocacy for CTP. Cash Transfer Programmes inTurkana Countyfaced numerous challenges inter aliainsecurity, poor infrastructure network, inadequate funding, mobility of populations, lack of MOU with key stakeholders andharmonization ofCTP processes and procedures.The study also identified opportunities available for futureexpansion of CTP namely enhancing coordination across sectors, joint monitoring responses, increased involvement of private sector financial service providers and social safety nets.The study concluded thatcash transfer coordination in Turkana Countyhas not been institutionalized and thus cash coordination has less influence on efficacy of Cash Transfer Programming inTurkanaCounty, Kenya. Therefore, thestudy recommendedthat Turkana County should prioritize formulation ofSocial Protection policy; enhance coordination across sectors;Strengthenjoint monitoringresponsesand increasepartnership of private sectorin CTP.The study further recommended that the role of key coordination mechanisms(CSG, KFSSG and CWG) should be well stipulated inthe County legal and regulatory frameworksfor well regulation of Cash Transfer Programmesin Turkana County, Kenya.en_US
dc.subjectInfluence, Cash, Coordination, tranfer,programmes,humanitarian, assistanceen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance

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