Browsing by Author Odero, Jackline Akoth

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Board Nationality and Educational Diversity and Organizational Performance: A Systematic Review of LiteratureOdero, Jackline Akoth; Egessa, Robert
2016-07Communication as a Factor Affecting Effective Strategy Implementation in the Banking Industry in Kakamega County, KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth
2018-03Critical Review of Literature on Knowledge Management Strategy and Organizational PerformanceOdero, Jackline Akoth; Otuya, Willis
2017-02-24Effect of Adjunct Lecturers’ Job Security on Employee Performance: Evidence from Universities in Kakamega County, KenyaMakori, Makori Ezekiel; Odero, Jackline Akoth
2019-08-28Effect of Innovation on Performance of Deposit Taking Saccos in KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth; Egessa, Robert; Oseno, Ben
2017-04Effect of Procurement Practices on Procurement Performance of Public Sugar Manufacturing Firms in Western KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth; Shitseswa, E. Ayub
2016-08-22Effect of Recruitment Practices of Adjunct Lecturers on Employee Performance: A Survey of Universities in Kakamega County, KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth; Makori, Ezekiel
2018-03Employee Involvement and Employee Performance: The Case of Part Time Lecturers in Public Universities in KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth; Makori, Makori Ezekiel
2021-08Ethical Practices and Organizational Performance: Understanding Linkages from Deposit-Taking SACCOs in KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth
2024-09-30Financial Resources and Performance of public Universities in KenyaMudi, Titus Ingosi; Odero, Jackline Akoth; Ali, Umulkher
2019-10Influence of Employee Empowerment on Performance: Evidence from Deposit Taking Sacco’s in KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth; Egessa, Robert; Oseno, Ben
2023Product Innovation and Competitiveness of Commercial Banks in KenyaIdah, Asisi Gorret; Mary, Nelima; Odero, Jackline Akoth; Reuben, Rutto
2024-12-31Professionalism of Project Management Team and Implementation of National Government Constituency Development Funded Projects in KenyaOtieno, Amayo Meshack; Odero, Jackline Akoth; Oseno, Ben
2022Public Procurement Ethics and Procurement Performance: The Case of Kakamega County Government, KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth; Machuki, Kelvin Mogere
2022The Role of Knowledge Sharing in Enhancing Innovation Performance: A Study of Commercial Banks in KenyaOdero, Jackline Akoth; wanyama, Ezekiel Wechuli
Strategic Direction and Firm Performance Evidence from the SACCO Sector.pdf.jpg2023-03-31Strategic Direction and Firm Performance: Evidence from the SACCO SectoOdero, Jackline Akoth
2024Supplier Development Practices and Supply Chain Performance of County Governments in KenyaOtieno, Kevin; Odero, Jackline Akoth
Supplier+Evaluation+Management+Practice+and+Supply+Chain+Performance+of+Kenyan+Selected+County+Governments+in+Nyanza+Region+-+Otieno+&+Odero.pdf.jpg2023-11-02Supplier Evaluation Management Practice and Supply Chain Performance of Kenyan Selected County Governments in Nyanza RegionOtieno, Kevin; Odero, Jackline Akoth
2023-07-30Supplier Relationship Management Practices Procurement Ethics and Supply Chain Performance in County GovernmentsOtieno, Kevin; Odero, Jackline Akoth
Supplier+Risk+Management+Practices+and+Performance+of+Supply+Chain+in+the+Health+Sector+in+Kenya+-+Owich+and+Dr.+Odero+Edited+(1).pdf.jpg2023-09-18Supplier Risk Management Practices and Performance of Supply Chain in the Health Sector in KenyaOwich, James Amere; Odero, Jackline Akoth