Browsing by Author Nsengimana, Venuste

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Checklist of Ant.pdf.jpg2023-01-18Checklist of Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Species from Nyungwe Tropical Rain Forest, South-Western RwandaNsengimana, Venuste; Hagenimana, Thacien; Barakagwira, Joselyne; Nsenganeza, Jean de Dieu; Iradukunda, Suavis C.; Majyambere, Methode; Kizungu, Olivier Basima; Nkundimana, Adrien; Umutoni, Diane; Fabrice, Rwasimitana; Cyubahiro, Boniface; Kouakou, Lombart MM; Kolo, Yeo; Anale, Jairus Shisungu; Gómez, Kiko; Dekoninck, Wouter
862-874.Manishimwe_Vol.21_No.5.pdf.jpg2022-10EFFECT OF INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING ON STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS LEARNING BIOLOGY AT UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN RWANDAManishimwe, Henriette; Shivoga, William Aino; Nsengimana, Venuste
Enhancing students.pdf.jpg2023-06-02Enhancing students’ achievement in biology using inquiry-based learning in RwandaManishimwe, Henriette; Shivoga, William Aino; Nsengimana, Venuste
Achievement in Bio  paper (2).pdf.jpg2023-02-03Enhancing students’ achievement in biology using inquiry-based learning in RwandaManishimwe, Henriette; Shivoga, William Aino; Nsengimana, Venuste
Exploring the Impact of Enquiry.pdf.jpg2022-12Exploring the Impact of Enquiry-Based Instructional Strategies on Students’ Attitudes towards BiologyManishimwe, Henriette; Shivoga, William Aino; Nsengimana, Venuste
2023-11-30Perceptions of teachers towards the Use of Inquiry-Based Learning Following 5Es Instructional Model in Biology at Upper Secondary School Level in RwandaManishimwe, Henriette; Shivoga, William Aino; Nsengimana, Venuste
219846-Article Text-539401-1-10-20220108 (1) (1).pdf.jpg2021-01The Role of Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods Towards the Classification of Living Things: A ReviewManishimwe, Henriette; Shivoga, William Aino; Nsengimana, Venuste