Browsing by Author Munga, Stephen

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
journal.pone.0272751(2).pdf.jpg2022-12-22High seroprevalence of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals amidst vaccination roll-out in western KenyaAwandu, Shehu Shagari; Ochieng, Alfred Ochieng; Onyango, Benson; Magwanga, Richard Odongo; Were, Pamela; Ochung, Angeline Atieno; Okumu, Fredrick; Oloo, Marceline Adhiambo; Katieno, Jim Seth; Lidechi, Shirley; Ogutu, Fredrick; Awuor, Dorothy; Kirungu, Joy Nyangasi; Orata, Francis; Achieng, Justine; Oure, Bonface; Nyunja, Regina; Muok, Eric M. O.; Munga, Stephen; Estambale, Benson
s12936-021-03798-9.pdf.jpg2021-06-09Insecticide resistance exerts significant fitness costs in immature stages of Anopheles gambiae in western KenyaOsoro, Joyce K.; Machani, Maxwell G.; Ochomo, Eric; Wanjala, Christine; Omukunda, Elizabeth; Munga, Stephen; Githeko, Andrew K.; Yan, Guiyun; Afrane, Yaw A.
Joyce, Omukunda, Yaw insectcides resistance june 2021 12936-021-03798-9.pdf.jpg2021-06-09Insecticide resistance exerts significant fitness costs in immature stages of Anopheles gambiae in western KenyaOsoro, oyce K.; Machani1, Maxwell G.; Ochomo, Eric; Wanjala, Christine; Omukunda, Elizabeth; Munga, Stephen; Githeko, drew K.; Yan, Guiyun; Afrane, Yaw A.
2022-09-28SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Fecal Samples in Sym-asymptotic Patients with Typical Findings of COVID-19 on Ag-RDT and SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR TestsMagwanga, Richard Odongo; Onyang, Benson; Ochieng, Alfred; Awandu, Shehu Shagari; Were, Pamella; Kirungu, Joy Nyangasi; Oloo, Marceline Adhiambo; Muok, Erick; Munga, Stephen; Ogutu, Fredrick; Orwa, Angeline; Okumu, Fredrick; Onyango, Clayton; Awuor, Dorothy; Orata, Francis; Mideg, Justine Ochieng’-; Oure, Bonface; Nyunja, Regina; Ade, Fredrick; Indechi, Shirley; Okuto, Erick; Estambale, Benson