Browsing by Author Iteyo, Crispinous

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Challenges and opportunities faced by informal peace committees in Peace Building in Nairobi County.pdf.jpg2020-10-10Challenges and opportunities faced by informal peace committees in Peace Building in Nairobi CountyMungai, Gacaga Peter; Iteyo, Crispinous; Kassilly, Janet
Eastern Africa Standby Force.pdf.jpg2020-11Eastern Africa Standby Force’s Efforts in Execution of its Mandate in Maintaining Peace and Security In Kenya and SomaliaKabage, Robert Gichangi; Onkware, Kennedy; Iteyo, Crispinous
The+Effectiveness+of+Peace+Building+Strategies+Used+in+the+Management+of+Electoral+Conflict+in+Trans-Nzoia+County,+Kenya+-+Otte+et+al.+-+2.pdf.jpg2023-11-27The Effectiveness of Peace Building Strategies Used in the Management of Electoral Conflict in Trans-Nzoia County, KenyaOtte, Zebedee Ekwenye; Iteyo, Crispinous
Effects+of+Mau+Forest+Evictions+on+Human+Security+of+the+Ogiek+Community,+Kenya+-+Koech+&+Iteyo+Final+Edited.pdf.jpg2023-08-24Effects of Mau Forest Evictions on Human Security of the Ogiek Community, KenyaKoech, Betty Chemutai; Iteyo, Crispinous
Evaluating the strategies employed by informal peace committees in peace building in Nairobi County.pdf.jpg2020-10Evaluating the strategies employed by informal peace committees in peace building in Nairobi CountyMungai, Gacaga Peter; Iteyo, Crispinous; Kassilly, Janet
Nature+of+Drug+and+Substance+Abuse+in+the+Kilifi+and+Mombasa+Counties+of+Coastal+Kenya-+Sospeter+&+Iteyo+-+Final (1).pdf.jpg2023-08-18Nature of Drug and Substance Abuse in Kilifi and Mombasa Counties of Coastal KenyaSospeter, Nelson Marwa; Iteyo, Crispinous
2024-10-08The Nexus between Electoral Management System and Post-Election Violence in Kenya Since 1963Ochieng, Charles Otieno P.; Matanga, Frank Khachina; Iteyo, Crispinous
2020-05-31Social and Economic Conflicts Influencing Students’ Participation in Secondary School Education in Kakamega County, KenyaMukonyi, Philip Wanjala; Iteyo, Crispinous
Structure of Eastern African Standby Force in Maintaining Peace and Security in Kenya and Somalia.pdf.jpg2020-12Structure of Eastern African Standby Force in Maintaining Peace and Security in Kenya and SomaliaKabage, Robert Gichangi; Onkware, Kennedy; Iteyo, Crispinous